Walking path at Montessori

Walking the Montessori Way: The Power of Exploration

First Steps in Nature You’ve seen your child’s first faltering steps explode into an irresistible urge to walk, run, climb, and explore at every opportunity. Why? Nature instills these drives in a child because such experiences are the “exercise” that the mind and body need to develop to their full potential. Just as Montessori education…

preschooler watering potted plants showing a child-led exploration activity

Five Home Learning Activities to Learn and Bond with Your Young Child

For our Montessori Central School families, the fall and winter are coveted seasons to enjoy quality time with the children in the great outdoors. Using Montessori principles to plan at-home learning activities for your preschooler or toddler can help you make the most of the coming holidays to extend your child’s Montessori learning. 1. Follow…

preschooler smiling on playground showing confidence and resilience in children

Raising Children with Courage, Confidence, and Resilience—the Montessori Way

Building courage, confidence, and resilience in children is integral to the Montessori method. Is your preschooler the carefree child who rushes fearlessly onto any new playground? Or is your child more timid, preferring to hang back and watch for a while before trying unfamiliar activities or making new friends? Promoting young children’s courage, confidence, and…

Preschooler completes independent schoolwork while practicing Montessori and social distancing

Montessori and Social Distancing: How MCS Will Make It Work

As a current or prospective Montessori parent, you know one of the special attractions of Montessori preschool is its unique, natural approach to social development. The ability to move around the classroom freely and interact with peers across a three-year age span, coupled with the teacher’s lively lessons in “Grace and Courtesy,” helps Montessori children…

A little boy peeling potato

May at Home: Keeping Children Engaged with Stay-at-Home Montessori Activities

Are you running out of ideas to keep your preschooler happily and productively engaged in stay-at-home Montessori? As this quarantine period stretches longer, we’ve compiled some additional Montessori activities for stay-at-home (in case you missed it, we shared other Montessori at home activities in our previous article). Some of these experiences grow organically out of…